Lib Dems: 2.7% rail fare rise is a “kick in the teeth” for commuters using Benfleet station
Lib Dems: 2.7% rail fare rise is a "kick in the teeth" for commuters using Benfleet station
The Liberal Democrats have said the news that rail fares will rise by 2.7% in 2020 is a "kick in the teeth" for rail passengers using Benfleet Station The increase will leave commuters using Benfleet paying £96 more for an annual season ticket to London.
Under Liberal Democrat plans, the 2.8% increase in 2020 would be cancelled and commuter rail fares would be frozen for the next five years. This would save season ticket holders from Castle Point to London several hundred pounds over the next five years .
The Liberal Democrats would also overhaul ticketing by simplifying the system, creating season tickets for part-time commuters and introducing early-bird fares. The party would ensure that all rail franchises apply delay repay compensation for delays of 15 minutes or more.
Liberal Democrat candidate for Castle Point commented:
"This fare hike is a kick in the teeth for rail commuters using Benfleet who are already paying over the odds for an often shoddy service. People waking up this week to travel to work on overcrowded, delayed or cancelled trains will be angered to find out they will be shelling out even more on travel next year.
"For too long the Conservatives have neglected our rail infrastructure and allowed commuters to be treated like cash cows.
"Liberal Democrats will build a brighter future by freezing rail fares, saving local commuters hundreds of pounds over the next five years. We will also make sure our creaking rail network receives the investment it needs, to improve capacity, increase the number of seats at peak times and reduce overcrowding."