Castle Point 2016 Local Election Thank You
Dear Fellow Residents,

We would like to thank everyone who supported our campaign in St James' and Canvey Central Wards.
We were not successful in either ward this time, but this was the first outing for the Liberal Democrats in Castle Point for many, many years. We achieved over 11% of the total vote in St James' ward. Less so in Canvey Central, however this was to be expected given the manpower available.
So clearly there is an appetite for positive Lib Dem campaigning in Hadleigh.
We avoided mud slinging and stuck to local issues. Hopefully we were able to inject some vision into the campaign and we will be working on that in the future. The Lib Dems are back in Castle Point and here to stay!
Please see contact details below to so we can keep in touch!
Once again, many thanks to all those who supported us and for those that would like to get more involved please click on 'Joining the Lib Dems' here.
Contact Details
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